Reid Farrington
​Reid is a theater director, new media artist, stage designer and film maker. Currently he has finished princlipal photography on his fist featue film, "Mendacity", based on Tennessee Williams "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". His film based on his 2015 theatrical production of "Tyson vs. Ali" was finished in 2021. His most recent work, BrandoCapote opened at The Tank NYC in Nov. 2019. CasablancaBox commissioned as part of HARP at HERE Arts Center was nominated for two Drama Desk Awards, Outstanding Projection Design and Unique Theatrical Experience. Other work includes: The Return, about the accidental destruction and assembly of Tullio Lombardo's Adam (commissioned by and performed at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015), Tyson vs. Ali, a hybrid theater sports event (PS 122 Coil Festival 2014), Reid Farrington’s A Christmas Carol, which mixed live performers with video projected characters from 35 different film versions of Dickens’ tale (Art Housr 2019, Abrons Art Center in 2011 & 2012), The Passion Project, based on The Passion of Joan of Arc (PS/K2 festival in Copenhagen, Denmark 2007, w/ subsequent productions at 3LD, tours to Budapest, Vancouver and Regina, SK), Gin & “It”, based on Hitchcock’s Rope (Wexner Center, 2010). His work has been supported by NYSCA, NYFA, Jerome, ETC, Franklin Furnace, Greenwall, Axe-Houghton, MediaTHE. He's toured his work to Moscow, Paris, Berlin, Istanbul, Amsterdam, Melbourne, Brussels, Athens. Reid held creative residencies at Art House, Wexner Center for the Arts, Eyebeam Art & Technology Center, 3LD Art & Technology Center and Abrons Art Center. He and wife/playwright Sara Farrington have two boys, Jack and Levi.
Reid currently works as the Audio Visual Manager at the Whitney Museum of American Art where he helps facilitate artists, curators and museum staff with the installation and implementation of audio visual equipment museum wide. This job gives him great satisfaction as it keeps him close to the arts and helps him find balance living as an artist in New York City.
From 2001 – 2008, Reid was a technical artist for The Wooster Group where he designed video and/or created hardware and software systems for the integration of video and sound for six of the company’s productions: Hamlet, Poor Theater, To You the Birdie!, Who's Your DADA!?, House/Lights
and Brace Up!

Awards and Residencies
2020 Broadway World Regional Awards
Nominated for Best Ensemble, First Theater You Want To Go Back To
and Production of a Play of the Decade
2017 Drama Desk Award
Nominated for Outstadfing Projection Design and Unique Theaterical Experience
for CasablancaBox
Teaching Artist in Residence
2014 -17 Here Arts Center
HARP - Artist Residency
2011 – 2013 3LD Art & Technology Center New York, NY
3LD/ 3D+ - a cooperative development program
2010 – 2012 Abrons Arts Center/ The Henry Street Settlement
Artist Residency
March 2010 Wexner Center for the Arts Columbus, OH
Artist Residency Award
Oct. – Jan. 2010 3LD Art & Technology Center New York, NY
Artist Residency
Feb. – June 2009 Eyebeam Art and Technology Center New York, NY
Artist Residency
November 2008 Hews Design Ward, American Theater Wing New York, NY
Nominated for Hamlet
June –July 2008 3LD Art & Technology Center New York, NY
Artist Residency
Funding Awards
2021 NJCA Artist Fellowship
Interdisciplinary Performance and Interdisciplinary Visual Art - BrandoCapote
2017 The Venturous Fund
2017 MediaTHE
2017 The Axe-Houghton Foundation
2014 New York State Council on the Arts
2012 The Jerome Foundation
The Return
2012 New York State Council on the Arts
Individual Artist Award– Tyson vs. Ali
2012 The Jerome Foundation
Tyson vs. Ali
2011 The Jerome Foundation
A Christmas Carol
2011 The Greenwall Foundation
A Christmas Carol
2010 The Franklin Furnace Fund
The David Project
2010 The Experimental Television Center Presentation Funds
Gin & “It”
2010 New York State Council on the Arts
Individual Artist Award– Gin & “It”
2010 The Experimental Television Center Finishing Funds
Gin & “It”
2010 The Jerome Foundation
Gin & “It”
2010 The Greenwall Foundation
Gin & “It”
2009 New York State Foundation for the Arts
Fellow in the Digital Arts
Romig, Rollo “BrandoCapote” (review) The New Yorker, November 2019
Wilson, James “BrandoCapote” (review) OffOffOnline, November 2019
Rifkin, Mark “BrandoCapote” (review) This Week in New York, November 2019
Benjamin, Joel “BrandoCapote”A fascinating gem that takes a difficult subject and quietly revels in it” (review) Theater Scene, November 2019
Lombardi, Joe“Creativity soars in the examination of toxic masculinity in the multimedia dance play” (review) Broadway World, November 2019
Russo, Gillian, “BrandoCapote” (review) Plays to See, November 2019
Collins, Gregor “BrandoCapote’, All That Glitters is not Gold” (review) Theater that Matters, November 2019
Christley, Janie N. “THe Lively ‘CasabalncaBox’ Captures the Magical Anarchy of an Enduring Classic” (review) The Village Voice, April 2017
Webster, Andy. “‘CasablancaBox’ Is Looking at You, Kid, Behind the Scenes” (review) The New York Times, April 2017
Leeds, Ryan. “Here’s Looking at You, Kid: ‘CasablancaBox’” (review) The Broadway Blog, April 2017
Jose, Lindsay and Ben. “The Maxamoo Podcast Reviews.” (audio blog post) Maxamoo. April 2017
Russell, Curtis. “CasablancaBox” (review), April 2017
Leiter, Samuel L. “It’s Still the Same Old Story: CarablancaBox” (review), April 2017
Rifkin, Mark. “CasablancaBox” (review) This Week in New York, April 2017
Ross. “He says: CabsablancaBox” A Better ‘Why’ to Match the ‘Wow’” (review) Times Square Chronicles, April 2017
Reilly, Darryl. “CasablancaBox” (review), April 2017
Shaw, Helen “CasablancaBox” (review) Time Out New York, April 2017
Droitcour, Brian & Smith William S. “The Digitized Museum” Art in America, October 2016
Pia, Catton. “The 10 Best Sports and Arts Moments of 2014” The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 2014
Als, Hilton. “Knockout: Violence and desire “Mechanical and Tyson vs. Ali” (review)
The New Yorker, Jan 2014
Isherwood, Charles. “A Dream Fight Made Real Onstage” (review) The New York Times, Jan. 2014
Pia, Catton. “Dream Bout at Last, In a Ring Performance” (review) The Wall Street Journal. Jan. 2014
Vincentelli, Elisabeth. “Boxer’ show’s a KO” (review) The New York Post. Jan. 2014
Hirsch, Jack. “Muhammad Ali versus Mike Tyson” (review) Boxing News. Jan. 2014
McGuinness, Ross. “Tyson and Ali …get ready for a big hit” (review) London Metro. Jan. 2014
Hudak, Ryan. “Tyson vs. Ali” (review) New York Theater Review. Jan 2014
McElroy, Steven. “Theater Meant to Keep You in Your Seat but on Your Toes” (preview) The New York Times, Jan. 2014
Stiffler, Scott. “Just Do Art: Special COIL Edition” (preview) The Villager. Dec. 2014
Portwood, Jerry. “The Sweet Science” (preview) Jan 2014
Winter, Gary. “Tyson vs. Ali: Reid Farrington Mashes It Up With Two Heavyweights” (feature) The Brooklyn Rail. Dec. 2014
Zinoman, Jason. “Marley’s Ghost and Other Mash-ups” (review) The New York Times, Dec. 2011
Rachel Merrill Moss. “Reid Farrington's A Christmas Carol or Dickens: The Unparalleled Necromancer” (review) Theater is Dec. 2011
Frank Boudreaux “Conjuring Dickens Back to Life”(Cover Image) American Theater Dec. 2011
Barbour, David W. “The Prevalence of Projection” American Theater Dec. 2011
Rifkin, Mark “Reid Farrington: THE PASION PROJECT” (review) This Week In New York, Sept. 2011
Boyd, Johnathon D. “Gin & ‘It’” (review) Theater Journal, Dec. 2010
Barbour, David W. “Enough Rope” Lighting and Sound America, June 2010
Hannaham, James. “”Gin & ‘It’” Is Gorgeous But Safe” (review) The Village Voice, May 2010
Zinoman, Jason. “A Hitchcock Dialogue, From Screen to Stage and Back” (review) The New York Times, Apr. 2010
Horwitz, Andy. “Reid Farrington at PS122” (review) Culturebot, Apr. 2010
Bales, Charles. ”Dance of Death” (review), Apr. 2010
Fitzgerald, Jason. “Gin & ‘It’” (review), Apr. 2010
Reilly, Joy. “’Gin & ‘It’’ Makes World Debut at the Wexner” WOSU Public Media, Mar. 2010
“Reid and Laura on ‘The Passion Project’” Soul Food Vancouver, Jan. 2010
Lynch, Brian. “Reid Farrington’s ‘The Passion Project’ rises from flames” The Georgia Straight, Jan. 2010
Graff, Tom. “’The Passion Project:’ Joan’s Story is in the Room” The Vancouver Observer, Jan. 2010
La Rocco, Claudia. “Joan of Arc Is on Display As Star of Stage and Screen” The New York Times, Sept. 2008
Kourlas, Gia “Shots in the dark” Time Out New York, Aug. 2008
Sellar, Tom. “The Passion Project” The Village Voice, Sept. 2008
Shaw, Helen. “Seeing The Light” Time Out New York, Sept. 2008
La Rocco, Claudia. “What you are doing this weekend”, July 2008
Barbour, David W. “Reid Farrington on The Only Tribe” Lighting and Sound America, Dec. 2008
Rooney, David. “Hamlet” Variety, Oct. 2007